We are excited to announce that, through the hard work of the Bold Goals Coalition and the Jefferson County Health Action Partnership, Birmingham streets are getting a makeover that represents a major step toward a healthier infrastructure.
The Birmingham City Council unanimously approved a Complete Streets ordinance last week that will serve as a roadmap for future transportation projects within the city. This will include more sidewalks, bike lanes, crosswalks and curb ramps in an effort to make city roadways safer and more accessible for everyone, including walkers, cyclists and transit users of all abilities.
“This is truly a great day for our city,” said City Councilor Darrell O’Quinn, who submitted the ordinance to the Council for consideration. “The Complete Streets ordinance will accelerate the transformation of our infrastructure into one that is more accessible and equitable for those who cannot, or choose not, to use a car.”
The ordinance will, among other things, develop new metrics for evaluating transportation projects, prioritize accommodations for walkers, cyclists and transit users, and identify approaches to building a multi-modal transportation network across the city.
“Complete Streets provides true mobility options for people in the community,” said Drew Langloh, President and CEO of United Way of Central Alabama. “Removing transportation barriers will provide people with easier access to critical health services, while also improving their social mobility through better access to jobs and educational opportunities.”
The effort to develop the ordinance and build community awareness and support was organized through the Bold Goals Coalition and led by dozens of partner organizations, including United Way of Central Alabama, City of Birmingham, American Heart Association, UAB, AARP Alabama, Lakeshore Foundation, Freshwater Land Trust, Birmingham Business Alliance, REV Birmingham, Zyp Bikeshare, Birmingham-Jefferson County Transit Authority, Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham, Disability Rights and Resources, Redemptive Cycles, Jefferson County Department of Health and many others.
Click here to watch news coverage of the vote and stay tuned to Complete Streets Birmingham to learn more about how you can help make our streets safe and accessible for everyone.