Hunger Relief

The United Way Bold Goals Coalition recognizes the challenges pertaining to hunger and works to build partnerships and increase communication between schools and community organizations to support systems that increase children’s access to food.

Addressing child hunger is too big of an issue to combat alone, which strikes at the core principle of the United Way Bold Goals Coalition and the concept of collective impact. Coalition partners are working together in coordinated efforts to ensure that meal programs are available and accessible for children and their families across Central Alabama.

40,460 children in Central Alabama lack access to food at various times during the year.

The United Way Bold Goals Coalition has helped launch summer meal programs that served daily lunch and snacks to 1,705 children.

In Alabama, one out of five children is food-insecure, according to Feeding America.

To help reduce that number and ensure the health and well-being of children in our six-county region, the United Way Bold Goals Coalition is working to expand summer feeding programs and distribution sites as well as the availability of after-school meals.

Expanding Meal Access for Children

Breakfast and lunch served at schools are the key source of food for children who face hunger at home. But hunger doesn’t take a summer vacation. So what happens when school is out? The harsh reality is that, without those meals, many children literally go hungry. This is why federal and state programs exist to provide after-school and summer meal programs when school is not in session. That’s extremely helpful, but there are still gaps in under-served areas that MUST be filled.

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