Spring is in the air and the Livable Communities Priority Group of the Walker County Health Action Partnership has been gearing up for an active, outdoor season at Walker County Lake. On April 8th, the Nature Trail at the lake got some much needed T.L.C. in time for trail season. Volunteers from Desperation Church in Jasper helped clean up the trail as part of their annual Passion Week, in which church members volunteer throughout the county leading up to Easter Sunday.
In addition to being one of many Passion Week projects, the April 8th trail cleanup was also in celebration of the fifth annual Opening Day for Trails. Using Cawaco Resource Conservation & Development’s “Tools for Trails” trailer, volunteers spent Saturday morning removing privet, picking up trash and raking out the trail. And since the trail is part of the West Alabama Birding Trail, the day wouldn’t have been complete without taking a moment to admire the bald eagle’s nest high above in a pine tree adjacent to the trail. This project is just one of the many ways the Priority Group is engaging local civic organizations to be part of the healthy outdoor opportunities at Walker County Lake.
Livable Communities partners have also been working to promote the new amenities and re-introduce the lake to the broader community. As part of this re-launch, United Way of Central Alabama worked with The Modern Brand to create a logo and promotion materials for the lake. The new logo was rolled out in early March, just in time for spring. To increase awareness of the facility, local T.V. and online advertisements promoted Walker County Lake as a day-trip destination during local spring breaks for surrounding school systems. From the time the promotion campaign started in early March, more than 1,400 fishing permits have been sold!
The improvements don’t stop there. Thanks to a partnership between the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and the Walker County Commission, partners will now begin planning and constructing another new amenity at the lake – an archery park. As an avid hunting and fishing community, residents of Walker County have been eager for an archery park to support the popularity of the sport among school-age children, so watch for updates as plans progress. Meanwhile, hike the trails, cast a line or rent a kayak! Come take advantage of the natural beauty and healthy outdoor activities already available at Walker County Lake.