We’ve had several great opportunities to connect with educators through Bold Goals Education in the past month. On September 29th, State Superintendent Dr. Tommy Bice met with members of the Bold Goals Education Steering Committee and 17 local superintendents and their representatives to learn more about local needs and to encourage school systems to access the resources available through Bold Goals Education. It was a remarkable gathering that brought together leaders from across our region for a common purpose: ensuring all of Central Alabama’s students have the resources they need to be successful. You’ll find links to media coverage of this event here.
Bold Goals Education staff also had the opportunity to meet with all of the elementary school counselors in the Jefferson County School System on October 9th to share resources available through the Bold Goals Coalition and to gather further input about the successes and challenges that they experience everyday in the schools.
Please be on the lookout for a new email newsletter update in early November that will provide information on the Bold Goals Coalition as a whole (Health, Education, and Financial Stability).
Upcoming Action Network Meetings:
- 3rd Grade Reading: Tuesday, Nov. 10th at 1:00pm at Oliver Elementary School
- Action projects focused on attendance
- Post-Secondary Retention/Completion: Thursday, Nov. 12th at 1:00pm at United Way of Central Alabama
- Action projects focused on FAFSA completion
- Early Learning Network: November meeting is currently being rescheduled. We’ll post it on the website soon.
- Action projects focused on increasing access to high quality early learning, including 1st Class Pre-K
- Also promoting the importance of reading at home with children—use the hashtag #ReadAloudAL to add your voice!
Remember–you can always find our up-to-date meeting schedule on our website. We’re also on Facebook and Twitter!