Bold Goals Education Taking Action This School Year

August is here and that means school is starting soon!  For some systems in Central Alabama, school will start as early as August 8th.   Bold Goals Education is ready to take action during this school year, and you can join us through one of our four action networks:

• Early Learning Action Network
Lead Organizations:  Childcare Resources and the Walker Area Community Foundation
This network is aligned with the Alabama Department of Early Childhood Education’s goal of all 4-year olds having access to voluntary First Class Pre-K. To improve access, the network has organized a support system to assist childcare centers in Jefferson County in applying for First Class Pre-K funding. In Walker County, the network is organizing support for public schools and community-based providers to apply for First Class Pre-K funding.  Click here for more information on how we’re supporting Pre-K expansion.

 3rd Grade Reading Action Network
Lead Organization:  The Literacy Council
The National Campaign for Grade Level Reading identifies three key drivers of early grade reading proficiency: high quality early learning, attendance, and summer learning. There are already significant organized efforts in our region to improve access to high quality early learning and summer learning, but attendance has received little public attention until now. Click here for more information on how we’re supporting attendance improvement.

• Birmingham City Schools Action Network
Lead Organization:  Birmingham Education Foundation
Dr. Castlin-Gacutan, the BCS Superintendent, has invited Bold Goals Education to align community partners with the district’s strategic plan. The first project for this network is aligning the reading curriculum, selected by BCS, for use across all out-of-school and academic providers, with outcomes measurement provided by the district’s existing assessments.

 FAFSA Acton Network
Lead Organization:  Alabama Possible
90% of students who complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) enroll in college the next fall. This network partners with Alabama Possible to support and expand their Cash for College campaign within our 5-county region.  Cash for College provides incentives, training, and other support to schools to ensure more students complete the FAFSA.  Click here to learn more about Cash for College.
You can view our schedule of upcoming meetings and events for these action networks at

Please join us as we take action for Central Alabama’s students!